

Feline Miss Charlotte’s papers show how she was adding travel stickers to her unintentional travels



“WHAT?,” said I in amazement to my niece Elissa who lives in Spokane, which is in Washington State, northeast of Seattle.

What Elissa was telling me was that the new resident of the Elissa and Mary household, which already included Arwen, a female chichuahua something, was a black-and-white cat named Charlotte. “I’ve never seen Arwen so happy,” said Elissa.

Acquired from a friend of a friend, Miss Charlotte quickly endeared herself by being more than cuddly and adorable.  “She’s quite a character,” said Elissa. “She especially likes these little balls with bells and playing with the feathers on a little stick we wave around.”

Also, she “gives the best kisses,” and likes “crawling under the covers and cuddling up” to her protectors.

There are still the facts though that Miss Charlotte is “getting more comfortable being held” and “we’re training her to be an indoor cat.”  Fortunately, their windows are covered with screens, said Elissa.  Then, there’s already been the matter of Mary’s missing glasses, which is when “we found out she’s a cat burglar,” said Elissa. “A search disclosed Mary’s glasses had been commandeered by Miss Charlotte, who took them to her box.  Also, Miss Charlotte took off with one of Elissa’s slippers, which she transported from the living room to the kitchen.

Another of Miss Charlotte’s play toys? Her own tail, “which she likes chasing.”

There are the play toys of Mary’s young child, Miss Isabella, 3. “Miss Charlotte likes those, too.” Very curious.  Smells? “Miss Charlotte has a forensic nose, and sniffs at everything.”

Within days, the dog Arwen and Miss Charlotte had become best friends. Miss Charlotte is quite happy sitting in an open window and “announcing” the approach of anyone, visiting their apartment or not.

Being an information-thirsty person, I wanted to know more about how Miss Charlotte got so far north without even being a AAA member. Alas, knowing more about Miss C. wasn’t meant to be because my repeated calls over a period of days to Dawn, identified as the “media liaison” for the Agoura Hills Animal Shelter == part of the vast LA County Animal Control system — were never returned.

I do know from previous years in “Newspapering” (reporter, editor, page designer, publications editor, etc.) that even then it was usual for animals of all kinds to be transferred from one region to another. What I wanted from Dawn who didn’t return my calls was to get updated information, plus a quote to show how hard our pet protection officials work.

Guess you’ll have to imagine that, because Miss Charlotte isn’t talking.


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